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Physical Exam and Wellness Testing

A complete physical exam is the first and often the most important step in your veterinary appointment. A physical exam is always recommended for new patients, yearly check-ups and for animals receiving vaccinations. Our pets may not always show symptoms of underlying health problems. Your veterinarian may ask you questions about your pet’s regular routine and any changes that may help identify any health problems as well.

During your pet’s physical exam, your veterinarian will assess your pet’s nose, mouth and teeth. They will examine their ears, eyes and depending on the history and findings may use an ophthalmoscope or otoscope for a more detailed view. Your pet’s chest and heart will be auscultated. The abdomen will be palpated to evaluate the liver, spleen, intestines, bladder and possibly the kidneys. Your veterinarian will examine external lymph nodes, skin, anal area and genital area looking for any abnormalities.

If any abnormalities are found, further diagnostic and treatment options will be discussed.

As a part of a complete assessment of your pet’s health, we recommend routine wellness testing. Our physical exam and history-taking are important tools in detecting disease but routine blood testing helps us to look a little deeper to detect sub-clinical diseases before your pet shows signs of illness. Wellness testing is available for pets of all ages but is essential for pets over 8 years of age.

Using a 2-3 ml sample of blood, our wellness profile includes:

  • Complete Blood Count
    Will help detect anemia, infection, inflammation and some forms of cancer.
  • Chemistry Profile
    Will assess liver, kidneys, diabetes, electrolyte imbalances, hormonal disease, some endocrine diseases.
  • Other
    We may ask you to provide a urine or stool sample for additional analysis.